Monday, 6 February 2017

How to FIX 4G/LTE Missing in Redmi Note 3 Pro/Kenzo t MIUI 8.1.4 & 7.1.5 - 7.1.19

How to FIX 4G/LTE Missing in Redmi Note 3 Pro/Kenzo t MIUI 8.1.4 & 7.1.5 - 7.1.19

FIX: works on :
  • Stable ROM : MIUI 8 v8.1.4
  • Developer ROM : MIUI 8 v6.12.29, v7.1.5, v7.1.12, 7.1.19

Please Do With Your Own Risk. I will not take any responsibility for anything happened to your device

What do you need:

VERY IMPORTANT !! BACKUP Boot, System & Data partition using TWRP to ext sd-card

Please follow these steps:
  • Boot your phone to TWRP recovery, then flash '' (no need to wipe anything)
  • Reboot your phone
  • Voila..

Thursday, 2 February 2017


Buka aplikasi TeamViewer di komputer yang anda gunakan dan komputer yang akan anda remote. Anda akan melihat ID dan Password.

Salah satu senjata terampuh para Hacker adalah Command Prompt, percaya tidak percaya tool bawaan windows ini bisa sama gunanya sama Remote Executor, FTP Manager, dll. tetapi bedanya ini berbasis CUI (Code User Interface) kalo Remote Executor, FTP Manager kebanyakan berbasis GUI (Graphical User Interface) yang semudah klak-klik-klak-klik dll.

Simak Ulasan detailnya berikut ini:


Wednesday, 1 February 2017



A.   Bentuk
Bentuk Logo terdiri atas 2 (dua) komponen meliputi:
1.     Logogram
Logogram merupakan bentuk simplifikasi perpaduan dari deretan arsip dan timeline sejarah. Bentuk deretan arsip tidak hanya menunjukkan bahwa jenis arsip berupa lembaran dokumen, tetapi lengkungan deretannya memperlihatkan bahwa arsip juga dalam bentuk pita audio maupun audio visual. Selain itu deretan tersebut menunjukkan rentetan bukti akuntabilitas yang terjaga dengan baik dari tahun ke tahun.
2.     Typeface ANRI
Typeface ini menjadi bagian dengan logogram-nya dan semuanya memakai huruf kapital untuk memberikan kesan yang terpercaya dan makin profesional. Menggunakan Font Futura MD BT dari tipe huruf Sans Serif untuk memperlihatan kesan modern dan efisien dengan tingkat keterbacaan yang tinggi.
Setiap komponen huruf dalam logo tersusun dalam suatu formasi yang saling terkait dan saling mendukung menggambarkan keserasian manajemen dalam pengelolaan arsip.

B.   Warna
Warna Logo terdiri atas 2 (dua) komponen warna meliputi:
1. Warna biru gradasi, mempresentasikan keamanan, ketentraman, kebenaran, dan kebijaksanaan, dengan kode warna sebagai berikut:
a.  Kode warna biru pertama adalah C:100, M:20 Y:0, K:0, atau R:0, G:149, B:218;
b.   Kode warna biru kedua adalah C:100, M:0, Y:0, K:0, atau R:0, G:175, B:239; dan
c.   Kode warna biru ketiga adalah C:40, M:0, Y:0, K:0, atau R:145, G:216, B:239.
2. Warna abu-abu tua merupakan representasi dari keseimbangan dan perlindungan, dengan kode warna C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:90, atau R:63, G:63, B:64.

C.   Huruf
Logotype ANRI menggunakan font Gotham Medium untuk memberikan kesan yang kokoh dan elegan. Logotype ini dikomposisikan Light-Italic untuk memberikan kesan yang tangguh namun dinamis dan terus bergerak maju menyesuaikan dengan bentuk logogramnya.


Friday, 27 January 2017


Wayang performance as wewayangane ngaurip (symbol of life) does not only present a man’s reality in
his relations to God, but it also pictures the man’s role in living a life in the community, with state and world interaction.

Many acts in wayang that tell a story on government and state affairs with various political and security
matters being faced. Political interaction, either in the relevant country or the relations with other countries, which led to establishment of friendship or conflict lead to war.

The fierce Baratayuda war occurred because of a will to fight for truth and justice and usurpation of the state of Hastina. Theme of usurpation highly influenced the whole screen.

In leading out modern life today we need to take lesson from the wayang performance as this play bears some examples on how to manage a country professionally. Local wisdom of wayang provides lesson on how to settle political conflict, to establish a just and prosperous country and to materialize a prosperous community as Pandawa’s struggle when they established the states of Amarta and Hastina.

Wayang is symbolization of effort to improve the quality of man signified with degree, dignity and prestige. Figures of wayang comprise satria (knight), raksasa (giant) or gandarwa (evil creature), who always position themselves as professional creature that they gain nobility and power. Various efforts or act they take to get revelation, aji (magical power) and such other supernatural power which actually are the symbol of man’s quality.

The main example presented in the wayang performance of Begawan Ciptoning act of play that tells the story of Arjuna’s struggle by living as ascetic to achieve the quality of Satria Pinandhita. Arjuna also succeeds in obtaining Makutharama revelation containing about the leadership teaching of Hastabrata. Arjuna is vigorously trained to be a quality knight so he can carry out his duties during his life on earth. A model matter in to improve human resource quality in Indonesia.

The artists and wayang lovers highly expect that besides admiring and enjoying the beauty of the art, they can also understand the meaning contained therein. It is therefore the end part of the wayang performance presents golek dance or galekana that is to seek and find the meaning of wayang performance and makes it a reference for attitude and behavior to get prosperity physically and mentally.


Every puppetry policy is always based on three strategies which constitute a basis in implementing program, namely : Protecting, Developing, Using the Indonesian Puppetry.

Protecting also includes exploiting, preserving to prevent thing from becoming extinct and forgettable. Providing a legal protection to avoid any misappropriation by irresponsible person that may affect either tangible value or intangible value which serves as a reference for the life as one of forming source of human identity and character.

The purpose of developing/creating art of wayang is to make the quality of the art and the format of its performance can cope with the image and demand of age development by using technology and science, so it can compete with other arts without forfeiting its value of excellence and its identity.

Using the content of art and meaning of wayang art philosophy is a part integrated to day-to-day life of Indonesian community and that will be able to materialize its character and identity and provide the Indonesian nation with prosperity.