Friday 27 January 2017


Every puppetry policy is always based on three strategies which constitute a basis in implementing program, namely : Protecting, Developing, Using the Indonesian Puppetry.

Protecting also includes exploiting, preserving to prevent thing from becoming extinct and forgettable. Providing a legal protection to avoid any misappropriation by irresponsible person that may affect either tangible value or intangible value which serves as a reference for the life as one of forming source of human identity and character.

The purpose of developing/creating art of wayang is to make the quality of the art and the format of its performance can cope with the image and demand of age development by using technology and science, so it can compete with other arts without forfeiting its value of excellence and its identity.

Using the content of art and meaning of wayang art philosophy is a part integrated to day-to-day life of Indonesian community and that will be able to materialize its character and identity and provide the Indonesian nation with prosperity.

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