Friday 27 January 2017


Wayang performance as wewayangane ngaurip (symbol of life) does not only present a man’s reality in
his relations to God, but it also pictures the man’s role in living a life in the community, with state and world interaction.

Many acts in wayang that tell a story on government and state affairs with various political and security
matters being faced. Political interaction, either in the relevant country or the relations with other countries, which led to establishment of friendship or conflict lead to war.

The fierce Baratayuda war occurred because of a will to fight for truth and justice and usurpation of the state of Hastina. Theme of usurpation highly influenced the whole screen.

In leading out modern life today we need to take lesson from the wayang performance as this play bears some examples on how to manage a country professionally. Local wisdom of wayang provides lesson on how to settle political conflict, to establish a just and prosperous country and to materialize a prosperous community as Pandawa’s struggle when they established the states of Amarta and Hastina.

Wayang is symbolization of effort to improve the quality of man signified with degree, dignity and prestige. Figures of wayang comprise satria (knight), raksasa (giant) or gandarwa (evil creature), who always position themselves as professional creature that they gain nobility and power. Various efforts or act they take to get revelation, aji (magical power) and such other supernatural power which actually are the symbol of man’s quality.

The main example presented in the wayang performance of Begawan Ciptoning act of play that tells the story of Arjuna’s struggle by living as ascetic to achieve the quality of Satria Pinandhita. Arjuna also succeeds in obtaining Makutharama revelation containing about the leadership teaching of Hastabrata. Arjuna is vigorously trained to be a quality knight so he can carry out his duties during his life on earth. A model matter in to improve human resource quality in Indonesia.

The artists and wayang lovers highly expect that besides admiring and enjoying the beauty of the art, they can also understand the meaning contained therein. It is therefore the end part of the wayang performance presents golek dance or galekana that is to seek and find the meaning of wayang performance and makes it a reference for attitude and behavior to get prosperity physically and mentally.

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