Friday 27 January 2017


Wayang performance as wewayangane ngaurip (symbol of life) does not only present a man’s reality in
his relations to God, but it also pictures the man’s role in living a life in the community, with state and world interaction.

Many acts in wayang that tell a story on government and state affairs with various political and security
matters being faced. Political interaction, either in the relevant country or the relations with other countries, which led to establishment of friendship or conflict lead to war.

The fierce Baratayuda war occurred because of a will to fight for truth and justice and usurpation of the state of Hastina. Theme of usurpation highly influenced the whole screen.

In leading out modern life today we need to take lesson from the wayang performance as this play bears some examples on how to manage a country professionally. Local wisdom of wayang provides lesson on how to settle political conflict, to establish a just and prosperous country and to materialize a prosperous community as Pandawa’s struggle when they established the states of Amarta and Hastina.

Wayang is symbolization of effort to improve the quality of man signified with degree, dignity and prestige. Figures of wayang comprise satria (knight), raksasa (giant) or gandarwa (evil creature), who always position themselves as professional creature that they gain nobility and power. Various efforts or act they take to get revelation, aji (magical power) and such other supernatural power which actually are the symbol of man’s quality.

The main example presented in the wayang performance of Begawan Ciptoning act of play that tells the story of Arjuna’s struggle by living as ascetic to achieve the quality of Satria Pinandhita. Arjuna also succeeds in obtaining Makutharama revelation containing about the leadership teaching of Hastabrata. Arjuna is vigorously trained to be a quality knight so he can carry out his duties during his life on earth. A model matter in to improve human resource quality in Indonesia.

The artists and wayang lovers highly expect that besides admiring and enjoying the beauty of the art, they can also understand the meaning contained therein. It is therefore the end part of the wayang performance presents golek dance or galekana that is to seek and find the meaning of wayang performance and makes it a reference for attitude and behavior to get prosperity physically and mentally.


Every puppetry policy is always based on three strategies which constitute a basis in implementing program, namely : Protecting, Developing, Using the Indonesian Puppetry.

Protecting also includes exploiting, preserving to prevent thing from becoming extinct and forgettable. Providing a legal protection to avoid any misappropriation by irresponsible person that may affect either tangible value or intangible value which serves as a reference for the life as one of forming source of human identity and character.

The purpose of developing/creating art of wayang is to make the quality of the art and the format of its performance can cope with the image and demand of age development by using technology and science, so it can compete with other arts without forfeiting its value of excellence and its identity.

Using the content of art and meaning of wayang art philosophy is a part integrated to day-to-day life of Indonesian community and that will be able to materialize its character and identity and provide the Indonesian nation with prosperity.

Wednesday 25 January 2017


Globalization in human life is always affected by economical aspects in the form of economic liberalization. The establishment of WTO and regional cooperation agreements such as EU, APEC, NAFTA, and a number of agrements in ASEAN, et cetera have established the economic globalization with dominant role of European countries and USA. Globalization with democratization theme, liberalization, Human Rights and environmental issues are all actually a process of creation of a world civilization that only benefits advanced countries. Besides economical globalizations, cultural globalization has also been taking place .The driving force of cultural globalization is Science and Technology. Western countries have been gloriously successful in developing and mastering science and technology. Science and technology is the main tool of creating mankind civilization. Actually the cultural globalization can be moved with humanist, social science. Western culture relies heavily on rational logic while ignoring spiritual aspects, which creates a secular life that is harmful for humanity. To balance out the materialistic globalization, Eastern culture values can make a valuable contribution. The spiritual values contained within various arts and cultures can be absorbed to give a meaning to the materialistic and spiritual globalization. In this process of cultural globalization, wayang art can make a contribution. Wayang role in globalization has been already spearheaded with the formulation of Wayang Philosophy.

It has been such a long time discussion and thought that Indonesia should have its own Philosophy rooted from its own indigenous land of archipelago. The formulation of this philosophy has been felt urgently needed in the ongoing development of Philosophy. Western philosophy has grown fast and achieved its golden age, successfully developed science and technology which become the central of mankind civilization and the main driving force of globalization. However, Western Philosophy which relies heavily on rational or creational force unexpectedly has its weaknesses, among others, barren of feelings, furthering oneself from morality, that often contradict against human dignity. Secularism, materialism, even hedonism in life become more apparent and troubling to mankind, followed by many global worrisome crises. In facing the challenge of advancements and flaws of Western philosophy, obviously Eastern philosophy needs to be developed. With the proper handling, Indonesian philosophy is expected to be able to give solution and answer to national and even global issues. Nations across the globe are facing heavy issue of moral decadence, in order to preserve and develop the existence of humanity now and in the future. In the science field and humanity, philosophy plays a strategic and vital role. The philosophy drives the growth and development of knowledge either in exact or social science. From these sciences, they bring about various technologies which are useful for the effort of mankind in building a civilization in order to achieve enhanced wellbeing. Philosophy has brought forth science and technology which in turn becomes the main tool in creating civilization. This role of philosophy, science and technology have been proven by the history of mankind’s civilization since a long time ago.

Now Indonesian people are really sure that wayang has a bright prospect because it has far sight and has conducted insight consolidation intensively, professional human resources and solid organization. Insight consolidation is very strategic for the life and development of wayang. Determination and effort of Indonesian wayang society in entering science field is a guarantee for life survival and resilience of Indonesian wayang.


Among the available wayang, wayang kulit purwa has the most audiences almost the whole part of mainland of Java, Madura and Bali. Wayang kulit tells about heroic and romantic stories of two wiracarita sources, i.e. Mahabarata and Ramayana. These stories came from India, but with the skill of local genius people, predecessors of java community changed them carrefully and made them sociable and adjust them to the community's wisdom, that the stories are worthy of performance in various purposes. The change made by the Javanese ancestors was not only limited to story material, but also on visualization of wayang figure is the work of Javanese ancestors.

The Indonesian language general dictionary states that Wayang is a Man-made figure of carved leather or wood and used to play the role of figure in the traditional drama show (Javanese, Sundanese, Maduranese and Balinese). The figures are usually played by a dalang. Wayang Kulit means wayang made of leather, and Wayang Purwa means wayang kulit telling the stories in the old days.

Wayang Kulit is a flat-shaped wayang figure and made of leather, in it is wayang-shaped element, tatahan (inlaid)and sunggingan (decorated). The form of wayang represents the shape that determines the type of its figure and wanda (facial expression). Decoration for wayang is an art of decoration having the shape of krawangan (air brick) that is complex and beautiful. Seen from behind screen is more interesting when the wayang figure is performed, while the sunggingan wayang is a various colors of the whole part of the wayang using an arranged color technique.

Kulit Lemon untuk melawan Diabetes dan Obesitas

Buah Lemon merupakan buah salah satu buah yang terbaik. Namun, tahukah anda bahwa KULIT Lemon juga sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan? Membuang kulit lemon adalah bukan ide yang baik dan jika anda tahu manfaatnya mungkin anda akan menyesalinya..
Jika anda makan lemon bersama-sama dengan kulitnya, maka anda akan mendapatkan 5 sampai 10 kali lebih banyak vitamin daripada anda hanya mengkonsumsi air lemonnya saja. Buah Lemon mengandung Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Zat Besi, Kalsium, Folat, Potassium, Magnesium, dan banyak mengandung Protein. Semua kandungan nutrisi dalam buah lemon sangat-sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan.
Nah, bagaimana buah Lemon dapat mengatasi Diabetes dan Obesitas? Ketika anda makan buah Lemon maka konsumsilah bersama dengan kulitnya. Bagaimana caranya? Cara terbaik adalah bekukan buah lemon terlebih dahulu di dalam Freezer. Sebelum anda memasukkannya kedalam freezer, bersihkanlah terlebih dahulu dan kemudian keringkan. Masukan buah lemon yang telah dibersihkan kedalam Freezer dan tunggu hingga buah lemon benar-benar telah membeku. Setelah membeku, ambil buah lemon tersebut, potong salah satu bagiannya kemudian anda Parut.
Hasil parutan buah lemon dapat anda campurkan pada apapun yang anda makan. Kulit lemon akan memberikan rasa/taste yang lebih kuat pada makanan anda. Anda juga bisa menambahkan parutan kulit lemon pada Sup, Salad, atau Es Krim buatan sendiri. Anda juga bisa menambahkan 1 sendok makan parutan kulit lemon pada teh atau jus yang anda minum.
Lakukan secara rutin dan berkelanjutan dan anda akan terbebas dari Diabetes dan Obesitas.

Selamat mencoba…

Tuesday 24 January 2017


1. Download dari play store harus pakai wifi atau wi-fi
Anda bingung ketika download play store harus menggunakan wifi? dan anda tidak bisa menggunakan mobile data atau data internet atau paket data? dan ini akan menjadi masalah tentunya bagi kita yang tidak mempunyai sambungan wi-fi.
Cara mengatasinya

Sebenernya untuk mengatasi cara ini cukup mudah, caranya Dari home screen kita pilih tool -> download -> setting setelah itu  Set limit downloadnya ke menjadi unlimitied,

2. Sering munculnya iklan pada xiaomi redmi note 3
Persoalan iklan yang tiba-tiba munculdilayar biasanya membuat gerah para pemilik HP android, tak terkecuali Smartphone Xiaomi redmi note 3, biasanya ini juga mengakibatkan paket data menjadi cepat habis, jelas ini sangat merugikan.
Cara mengatasinya
Kemungkinan waktu kita beli, kita di beri ROM yang tidak jelas atau istilahnya versi yang abal-abal, dan biasanya ROM tipe seperti ini mengandung banyak bloatware, nah untuk mengatasi peramasalahan ini, kita harus melakukan flash ulang pada Redmi Note 3.

3. Mengganti tampilan Bar baterai
Bagi yang ingin gonta-ganti bar baterai, anda bisa menggantinya dengan bar baterai atau indikator baterai yang bisa membuat anda nyaman.
Cara menggantinya
Cara mengganti tampilan bar baterai atau battrey redmi note 3 adalah sebagai berikut, masuk ke Settings -> Additional Setting -> Battery & performance lalu pilih battrey indicator, dan pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau kebiasaan kita harus melakukan flash ulang pada redmi note 3 kita.

4. Mengganti tipe Jaringan 2G, 3G atau 4G
Anda dapat mengunci tipe jaringan pada Redmi Note 3 sesuai dengan kualitas jaringan ditempat anda, tentu bergantung juga dari provider yang anda gunakan.
Dari menu call/dial tekan *#*#4636#*#* nanti ada kolom dengan tulisan gsm auto atau lte/gsm auto, lalu kita scroll dan cari lte only (untuk lock 4g) atau wcdma only (untuk lock 3g).

5. Sinyal menghilang (bagai hantu)
Mungkin anda merasa kesal ketika Redmi Note 3 anda sinyalnya suka hilang,
Cara mengatasinya
Dapat dikatakan anda menggunakan ROM abal-abal sehingga banyak bugs yang terdapat pada sistem, cara untuk mengatasi masalah ini mau tidak mau harus kita flash ulang ke ROM stable.

6. Tidak bisa install aplikasi dari play store
Masalah ini cukup banyak yang mengalami, redmi note 3 kita tidak bisa menginstall app atau aplikasi dari play store, sebenarnya permasalahan ini bukan hanya pada redmi note 3 saja, tetapi juga smartphone xiaomi yang lain.
Cara mengatasi
  • Remove akun gogole kita masuk ke Settings > Accounts > Select Google > Remove account/Delete account
  • Clear cache Google Play Store dan google Services Framework. caranya masuk ke Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store dan pilih Clear cache dan Uninstall updates.
  • Lalu masuk ke Setting > All > Download Manager  >  Clear Cache and Data.
  • Setelah itu masuk lagi ke Settings > All > Google Services Framework  > Clear Cache and Data.
  • Lalu add akun gemail lagi caranya Settings > Accounts > Google > add Account > Enter your Credentials
  • Disarankan membuat akun gmail baru, lalu remove setelah itu pasang aku gmail lama anda

7. Redmi Note 3 baru tapi baterai boros
Jika mengalami hal ini tentu kita akan bingung dan pastinya anda akan terheran-heran..
Cara mengatasinya
Sebenarnya ini biasanya di akibatkan dari awal, karena waktu kita membeli,  menggunakan rom yang abal-abal sehingga banyak bugs yang terdapat pada sistem, dan juga mengandung banyak bloatware, cara untuk mengatasi masalah ini mau tidak mau harus kita flash ulang ke ROM stable.


Install via SP-Flash-Tool (Locked bootloader)

- Install device drivers for your operating system
- Open folder SP-FLASH-TOOL-V.5.1532.00
- Run flash_tool.exe as administrator
- Select download agent (DA_SWSEC.bin)
- Select "scatter" file (you can find it inside "images" folder)

UNCKECK PRELOADER!!! (If you don't uncheck, you'll have a nice brick)

BE SURE that only is checked this five files: "system" "tee1" "tee2" "userdata" "boot" (Don't check "userdata" if you are upgrading from previous beta ported version. Check 


- Press download
- Turn off mobile phone
- Press vol- and conect to your pc with original cable
- When red bar apear, wait 5 secs and unpress vol- (see yellow bar in 9-12 secs)
- Wait to 100% (yellow bar)
- Disconect mobile phone of your pc
- Reboot, wait a moment and voila!



Virtually all traditional arts including wayang in Indonesia are always feared of getting weak and undergoing extinction due to the inability to survive in the midst of the emerging new cultural arts and the penetration of foreign cultures. This fear is quite reasonable, because this new emerging cultural arts are gaining younger generation’s attention and interest. In the long run, the fading young generation’s interest in the art of wayang will also has a bad impact on the development of the wayang. Therefore all efforts to introduce and socialize the wayang art are essentially imperative. Enhanced appreciation and socialization of the wayang art can be carried out by various ways, for instance, through formal education in schools, wayang tv shows, books writing, et cetera. Anticipating such an existence threat as stated above, it is necessary to do as advised as follows:

Nowadays the wayang culture art is still strong and showing its existence in the community. Wayang performance is still enjoyed by many including the young generation. Wayang artists such as dalang, swarawati or sindhen (female singer) and pengrawit (instrument players) as supporters and main performers of wayang performance keep on growing and being able to live prosperously by their professions.
In this era of globalization, the existence of a cultural art is determined by its competitiveness. Without competitive edge sooner or later it will face difficulty and dead. The strength of competitiveness lies in its quality. That is why every wayang culture art has to appear with prime quality. The quality of wayang art is built based on the edipeni and adiluhung nature of wayang. Wayang has to perform as an interesting show while at the same time able to convey guidance in the form of valuable moral messages that are beneficial for the people. The uniqueness of its guidance is the advantage of wayang’s competitiveness, and not only as entertainment show. The balance between entertainment and guidance in the show can ensure the survival of wayang. To keep on having a cultural endurance, the wayang community should continuously and consistently do consolidation. The consolidation may encompass insight, human resources and organizational consolidation.

The wayang art must have a far sight vision to the future that is full of challenges. Therefore apart of increasing the quality of wayang art, the wayang community must also have the right insight. The wayang has to be able to take part in creating an advanced human civilization. It is the right time that wayang art enters the science field. Based on contemplations and researches actually the wayang art has a lot of scientific ideas. Nowadays the scientific content in wayang has been reviewed to be used for the welfare of the society. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from wayang can help driving the rise of Indonesian people’s scientifical ethos in mastering science and technology for the endeavor of creating an advanced civilization. Science and Technology are the main mean in creating a civilization. It has been well proven time to time in the history of mankind civilization. Mankind civilization has continued developing through ages since the 7thcentury to this modern age. The driving force of civilization development is mostly the philosophers, scholars or scientists and humanist. The development of civilization can be seen and traced through the history of mankind’s culture in this world.

From the development of civilization mentioned above, it is clear that the driving force and means of creating an advanced civilization is nothing else but the mastery of science and technology. Therefore an advanced civilization development thesis can be formulated: ”Mastering in philosophy is to master science and technology. With a character based science and technology as foundation, an advanced and prosperous civilization can be developed”. Within the scope of this thesis, the formulation of “Wayang’s Tree of Knowledge” started with Wayang Philosophy as its core.

Certainly the wayang knowledge will always exist and be developed. This type of knowledge has developed into two lines, Traditional Puppetry and Academic Puppetry. Traditional Puppetry Knowledge owned by the
dalangs. Due to the wayang art classified as oral tradition, there is no written document regarding this traditional puppetry. On the other hand, the second line is the academic puppetry knowledge which is compiled as science and being taught in school until university level. This puppetry knowledge has been compiled in an established rule (paugeran) in the form of wewaton and pakem in order to give guidance to
achieve a pagelaran or pakeliran with edipeni and adiluhung quality so that it becomes a “masterpiece”. A qualified wayang performance is the aim of puppetry knowledge. This puppetry art science has developed dynamically following the world’s development.


If wayang is called world puppet, then two purposes will come across in mind, Indonesian wayang which has been spreading overseas and puppet owned by nations all over the world. Almost all countries have their own typical puppets which is called puppet or doll. While Indonesian wayang can also be mentioned as puppet or doll but its quality and content is wider and deeper. Puppet or doll is a performance art aimed much more for children, while Indonesian wayang is for all kind of people either children, adult and old people. Indonesian wayang is characteristically edipeni (physical, look, pleasant, elegant, structure of music is melodious and entertaining) and adiluhung (more for civilized, dignity and virtuous), which means wayang is not only as a beautiful and esthetic spectacle, but also as a guidance which has an ethic or main moral of life, even nowadays has a wayang philosophy. Wayang philosophy is a highly academic achievement, because it comes from wayang performance. After going through series of sustainable research and development, is succeeded compiled as wayang philosophy. This wayang philosophy has been stated as a subject in master and doctoral degree in Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta started in 2011.

World puppet is a puppet or doll performance. Many kinds of puppet culture art are owned and developed by global society. For conserving and developing this puppet, an Organization named UNIMA International (Union Internationale de la Marionnette) was therefore founded in Prague Czechoslovakia, in 1929. This Puppet organization has long existed, and its member from 90 countries. Indonesia is also a member of UNIMA by establishing UNIMA Indonesia in 2009. Nowadays Indonesia is really expecting that there is a world organization of wayang apart from marionnette, because in reality Indonesian wayang has spread all over the world. This willingness has been initiated by establishing APA (ASEAN Puppetry Association) for puppet in ASEAN region. It also has been initiated a puppet organization in Asian level by establishing forum of Asian Puppetry Gathering.

Global Society really respect Indonesian wayang especially after UNESCO declared Indonesian wayang as “a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” on November 7th, 2003. This moment actually can be used for presenting wayang culture art in international level. Wayang as an asset of indonesian culture art, has been acknowledged as world culture art heritage. This is an Indonesian strength that can be relied upon international diplomacy and can promote Indonesian image in the world. An effort to put and push wayang in international forum has been conducted. Indonesia has been actively involved in UNIMA, ASEAN Puppetry Association or APA and many Indonesian art missions which are carrying wayang in various opportunities abroad. Wayang promotion inside and abroad should be conducted intensively. Indeed, these efforts require a lot of power/persons, mind and finance. Limited budget is the main problem to solve. Therefore, the government should be responsible to strengthen wayang cultural diplomacy, including to increase the budget.

In May 2012 a meeting of UNIMA International was organized in Chengdu China. In the event of puppet art also there was a congress of UNIMA, world puppet festival, and so on. It is a good chance for Indonesia to perform, its primary in UNIMA Congress in once every 4 year. The further ambition in the future, Indonesia can be elected President of UNIMA International. If Indonesia is elected a Chairman of UNIMA International, Indonesia is going to be very proud, it is a proof that Indonesian wayang is going more and more worldwide. Since a long time ago until now many foreigners have been learning wayang and puppetry in Indonesia. Not a few are learning puppetry. Moreover, a lot of them are also reviewing and learning wayang. Wayang becomes a research and scientific study and therefore they can write books about wayang.
Indonesian wayang, mainly wayang Kulit (leather puppet) from Java and wayang Golek (wooden puppet) from Sunda have spread many European countries, the United States of America, Australia and Asia. Therefore by being proclaimed the Indonesian wayang by UNESCO as World Heritage, wayang culture art is getting strong as one of the country strength elements. Achievement and strength of wayang culture art should be used by the government for conducting cultural diplomacy. Former Indonesian Foreign Minister Mr. Hassan Wirajuda once expressed wayang as an instrument of diplomacy.

Organization and Institution of Indonesian wayang are strong enough. There are SENA WANGI (Indonesian Pewayangan/Puppetry National Secretariat), PEPADI (Indonesian Puppetry Union), PEWANGI (Indonesian Human Puppet Association), APA (ASEAN Puppetry Association), and UNIMA (Union Internationale de la Marionnette) - Indonesia. Wayang educational institutions are also growing such as ISI (Institut Seni Indonesia/Indonesian Institute of Arts), STSI (Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia), Sanggar/Studio (traditional learning of wayang institution) and so on. Wayang culture art is in strong position and ready to be developed abroad. Wayang community is sure, wayang can become a superior culture art in international forum and becomes one of Indonesian strength to be a great country and respected by other countries. The country who is “mardikengrat mbahudhendha nyakrawati”, that means independent country, sovereign and famous in the world.

In the era of globalization, it is open a very tight and keen competition. Not only in political and economical fields but also in culture. Foreign culture values which have not been quite right for Indonesia, is continuously flowing through information technology sophisticated tools. Facing the onslaught of foreign cultures, Indonesian people must be aware and strengthen themselves. One of it is by developing native culture. Also traditional culture can be unified to become a strength to fortify national culture. Wayang culture art has been developing since long time ago to build resilience of Indonesian culture. This effort should be increased. Must be weaved a close co-operation between wayang society and the government. Actually there are many kinds of ways like education. The life of wayang traditional art is apparently dependent on young generation. But in reality young generation is decreasing their interest. Only long term effort that can solve. Through formal education started from elementary till university, traditional art is introduced to young generations. Relating to curriculum policy, Ministry of Education and Culture in 2013 submitted local content competency of culture art subject at the local government autonomy. It is an opportunity for local government to require the teaching of regional language and wayang in school, started from Early Age Learning Education (PAUD=Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini), elementary until high school. Regional language is a cultural instrument that can support wayang culture art.

To strengthen and empower wayang widely and continuously, it is necessary to socialize wayang through information media, such as publishing books, television broadcasting, and so on. The governments either central or regional pay a real attention in the form of development of culture supported by sufficient fund (Central/Regional Government Budget).

Position of wayang culture art either in global or national dimension, is on its track. Wayang is dominant and respectable in international forum, also in national level has been in the midst of national development. Synergy between government effort and wayang community which are coordinated by SENA WANGI will wide openly for Indonesian wayang which is useful for nation welfare and country in facing destructive cultures from other countries.

Monday 9 January 2017


Tari linda (Linda Dance) merupakan jenis tarian tradisional Masyarakat Kabupaten Muna. Secara etimologi, penamaan Linda berarti menari laksana burung yang terbang, berkeliling dengan sayap yang terkembang indah. Tari Linda merupakan seni tari tradisional rakyat yang telah lama berkembang di daerah Muna dan menjadi bagian dari tradisi masyarakat setempat.Tari Linda lahir di tengah-tengah masyarakat muna, sekitar abad ke-16,yakni di masa pemerintahan Laposasu (kobangkuduno).
Tarian ini di ciptakan sebagai suatu perwujudan tradisi masyarakat di daerah muna dalam hal pemingitan anak-anak mereka dikala memasuki usia dewasa. Pertumbuhan tarian tersebut kemudian meluas sampai ke daerah-daerah lain seperti Buton, sehingga saat ini telah menjadi tarian tradisional yang sangat popular di daerah tersebut. Penari terdiri dari wanita yang jumlahnya terbatas sampai enam atau delapan orang. Pakaian yang dikenakan merupakan pakaian khas daerah, dalam bahasa local disebut sebagai ‘baju kombo’.

Teknik Tari Linda
Dimulai denganpara penari keluar dari dua penjuru dengan gaya lego (berlenggang). Setelah menghadapi penonton, mulailah gerakan pertama kedua tangan mengambil selendang yang melilit di leher dan di bawa ke sebelah kiri, laksana orang yang sedang memetik sesuatu bersamaan dengan gerak kaki yang di gesekkan ke kiri sambil mengayunkan kaki kanan ke arah kanan dengan perhitungan tiga dan di balas dengan kaki kiri dengan perhitungan empat. Selanjutnya kedua tangan di bawa ke sebelah kanan seperti orang yang sedang memetik sesuatu secara bersamaan dengan gerak kaki kiri ke samping kiri dengan perhitungan satu di balas dengan kaki kanan pada perhitungan tiga dan di balas lagi dengan kaki kanan dalam perhitungan empat.
Beberapa fariasi terjadi pada saat pertukaran tempat, mempermainkan selendang dan sebagainya. keseluruhan gerakan dalam tari ini terdiri dari empat belas macam gerakan. Pada gerakan akhir, kedua tangan di bawa ke sebelah kiri seperti orang yang sedang memetik buah, kaki kiri di gerakan ke kiri dan kaki kanan di ayunkan ke kanan, dengan perhitungan satu di balas dengan kiri pada perhitungan dua, kemudian di ganti dengan kaki kanan dalam hitungan tiga dan seterusnya sampai mencapai perhitungan empat. Akhirnya kedua tangan melepaskan lilitan selendang dan disandangkan ke bahu sebelah kanan. Tangan kiri memengang sarung (bini-bini), tangan kanan berlenggang (lego-lego).
Alat musik yang mengiringi setiap gerakan dalam tarian ini adalah gendang, gong, dan dengu-dengu dengan cara ditabu atau dipukul.

Dahulu kala sebelum alat-alat musik tersebut di kenal oleh masyarakat, orang-orang sering menggunakan ‘matatou’ (alat musik tradisional rakyat yang ditabuh). Syair lagu yang dinyanyikan dalam peragaan tari Linda:


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